okay folks, i am not a disciplined person. if i don't have to work, i will sleep in til noon every day, i won't eat until around 3pm, and i go to bed a 3am. i do not have a healthy lifestyle. SO! i want to force myself into some kind of routine, despite the flexibility part time work allows. here are my ideas:
1. Wake up by 7:30am every day, EVEN weekends
2. Walk Triskit and Ollie (dogs) right away
3. Exercise. I have a gym membership for a reason, damnit
4. Breakfast at home
5. Walk #2 for Triskit and Ollie (this way i can give them a short walk by the time it's dark)
6. Misc. interwebbing and necessary contact crap
7. Make lunch before work
8. Work, wherever that may be
9. Home, cook dinner, read/socialize
10. Bed by 11pm
Sounds good, right? We'll see if I can make this happen. I really need to get my butt in gear here.